No one starts a small business so that they can do bookkeeping all day (with the obvious exception of bookkeepers). Instead, people start small businesses in order to prepare and serve a high quality meal, create and display amazing art, or mow and maintain immaculate lawns. The dirty work of organizing and accounting for the daily transactions of the business or of figuring out the most efficient operational processes often detracts from actually running the business. Or from being able to spend time with your family. And that’s where Staley CPA, PLLC comes in. Want to learn more? Feel free to peruse the site. Set a spell. Take your shoes off.



My Why. Learn more about why I created Staley CPA, PLLC in the first place.



About. Besides being the Time Magazine Person of the Year in 2006, who is David Staley the person? Find out here.



Services. What are the primary offerings I provide to my clients? Here’s a list.



Referrals. Obviously I think I’m great. But I’m biased. So this page features a small collection of other people who think I’m great, too.



Contact. Once you’ve explored, I hope you’ll reach out so we can discuss how I can help you take your business to the next level.