
Below is a brief list of the services Staley CPA, PLLC specializes in:

Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
We can take your proverbial (or literal) shoe box full of receipts and turn it into a set of financial statements which you can use to manage your business. Having accurate and timely financials allows you to make decisions that will grow your business and increase your profits.  Click here to learn more.

Budgeting and Cash Flow Forecasts
A lot of accountants and typical “numbers people” are focused on the past. That’s not an insult, it means they are good at their job. Basic accounting and bookkeeping is reporting what happened in the past. But what happens when you need help looking into the future? What will your profit be next year? Will you have enough cash to get by? These are the questions that budgets and cash flow forecasts can help answer. Click here to learn more.

Operational Consulting
Want an accountant that does more than just report the news to you? Analyzing the numbers and zeroing in on the areas where there is the biggest opportunity for improvement is one of David’s specialties. Identifying the most important items to change in those areas to give you the most bang for your buck is one of his favorite things to do. Almost every business has an area or two which would benefit from revamping the way things are currently done. We can work with you to identify those areas and design more efficient ways of doing certain tasks. Click here to learn more.